Become an ACPT Member.

Membership is open to all who affirm our statement of faith and are connected with a Pentecostal church and/or school. Membership enables you to connect to other Pentecostals in Asia and around the world through our member portal, which facilitates communication, networking, and discussion with individuals and interest groups.

Become an ACPT Mentor.

We also want to assist Pentecostal schools (institutions) in the Asia-Pacific region connect with qualified mentors in various fields (e.g., OT, NT, Church History) around the world. If you are qualified and willing to serve as a mentor for Asian Bible college and seminary students, please prayerfully consider becoming an ACPT Mentor.

Requirements: 1) A Th.M or Ph.D in your field of expertise; 2) a willingness to supervise at least one student in Asia per year. (Typically a mentor would supervise a M.A., Th.M, or Ph.D paper, thesis, or project by interacting with students via the internet.

Benefits: In addition to serving the body of Christ in Asia, you will also receive all the benefits of ACPT membership: access to our member portal, which facilitates communication, networking, and participation in special interest groups.

To apply click on the Apply Now button.

The application process for both Members and Mentors involves three
simple steps:

  1. Create an account (Name, username, email address, password)
  2. Verify email address by a link sent to their Inbox
  3. Complete your profile

Your application will be reviewed and, if accepted, you will become an ACPT Member or Mentor.