One for the Road – “As Things Wax Worse and Worse”
As things wax worse and worse. And…the Bible says they will. How then should the people of God respond? Fight we must. But…how? Paul tells us: “…we do not wage war as the world does.” And further…“the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.” Yes…fight we must. But…with weaponry that is mighty in the Spirit. With these we demolish…
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One for the Road – “Spiritual Deafness”
Spiritual deafness. It’s a persistent problem – people refusing to hear the word of the Lord. Jeremiah speaks for mankind…in all times: “…though he has sent all his servants the prophets to you again and again, you have not listened or paid attention.” So it is in our day. Many people refuse to listen…or pay attention. Political correctness blocks their hearing. The…
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One for the Road – “Power and Wisdom”
God’s power…and God’s wisdom. It takes both. Here’s an example of one…without the other. Jephthah…a mighty warrior…experienced God’s power on the battlefield – but he made a foolish vow to the Lord. “…whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as…
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One for the Road – “Disneyland or Battlefield”
Disneyland or battlefield. Which metaphor best describes the Christian life? Well…the Bible does declare that the joy of the Lord is our strength – and that happiness is a byproduct of living a righteous life. But…the Bible also makes it clear that the righteous are involved in a battle – light against darkness…truth against deceit…and life against death. Some Christians miss this…
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Review of Darrell Bock’s Commentary on Acts
Title: Acts Series: Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament Author: Darrell L. Bock Publisher: Baker Academic Release Date: 2007 Pages: 848 by Robert P. Menzies The eagerly anticipated sequel to Darrell Bock’s comprehensive commentary on Luke’s Gospel is now available. Bock’s commentary on Acts is everything we would expect from a leading evangelical New Testament scholar and Dallas Theological Seminary professor. It is conservative in outlook, yet interacts with a wide range of scholarly views. It is clearly written and thus…
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Review of Harvey Cox’s How to Read the Bible (New York: HarperCollins, 2015)
Title: How to Read the Bible Author: Harvey Cox Publisher: HarperCollins Release Date: 2015 Pages: 272 By Robert P. Menzies Harvey Cox’s latest book should have been titled, How to Read the Bible…And Not Hear God Speak. Why? Because according to Cox, the Bible is purely a human document. So, we can take or leave the “truths” of the Bible and we are free to interpret it as we want. Ultimately, we sit in judgment on…
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One for the Road – “Fuzzies and Pricklies”
Fuzzies and pricklies. One is about affirmation…the other about correction. The challenge is to find a balance. All fuzzies is flattery. All pricklies is cruelty. But…it’s the right balance that matters. For example. If you have never communicated approval…and suddenly you speak correctively – you’ve probable made an enemy. If all you do is compliment…you’ll miss opportunities to help people grow. The key…
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A Fitting Tribute: A Review Essay of The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins: Essays in Honor of James D.G. Dunn
By Robert P. Menzies James Dunn’s prolific writing career began in 1970 with the publication of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. This sympathetic yet critical evaluation of Pentecostal theology proved to be a significant catalyst for theological reflection in the Pentecostal community and the larger church world. This book, then, represents an important beginning, especially for Pentecostal theology….
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By Gani Wiyono This chapter will explore the beginning of the Assemblies of God in Indonesia which began in the second half of the 1930’s with the work of Kenneth G. Short, Ralph M. Devin, and Raymond Arthur Busby and ended with the birth of the Assemblies of God in Indonesia, which was the legal successor of the former Indische…
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By Gani Wiyono Its Origin It is difficult to give an accurate date for when Pentecostalism entered Indonesia, for very little data (especially written material) is available. However, it seems that Pentecostalism was present in this archipelago as early as 1910. Gerrit R. Polman, an early leader of Dutch Pentecostalism had been mailing Spade Regen to the Dutch…
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