God’s power…and God’s wisdom. It takes both.
Here’s an example of one…without the other.
Jephthah…a mighty warrior…experienced God’s power on the battlefield – but he made a foolish vow to the Lord.
“…whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.”
The victory was his – but his only daughter greeted him on his arrival home.
He kept his vow – but suffered unspeakable guilt.
He knew God’s power – but not God’s wisdom.
It happens in our day. Sincere people desire to encounter the power of God…but sometimes don’t match that quest with a passion for God’s wisdom.
Today…encounter God’s mighty power – and match it with His wisdom.
– Richard Dresselhaus | One for the Road | rldress@aol.com