Daily Devotional Reading

One for the Road – “Distraught”

Distraught.  That’s how people sometimes feel.


Out of control.  Confused options.  Indecisiveness.


It’s not a comfortable feeling.


The night Jesus was betrayed was like that.


The temple guard came in the darkness of the night – swords drawn and torches blazing.


One of the disciples drew his sword.  H missed the mark…but cut off a man’s ear.  It was a moment of extreme confusion.


But…in the midst…Jesus was calm – resolute – and in control.  Why?  Because He knew He was in the center of God’s will.


So it can be with you.  In the midst of confusion…when distraught…you can know that you are in God’s will.


There you will find perfect peace.

– Richard Dresselhaus | One for the Road | rldress@aol.com

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