Daily Devotional Reading

One for the Road – “Careless Words”

Careless words.  These are words that depreciate people…and dishonor God.


Sometimes it’s face to face.  But…usually it’s behind people’s backs.


They’re careless words…void of reflection and thought.


Jesus warned: “But I tell you that men will have to give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.”


Sobering.  Because…speaking careless words is common – even among Christians.


Why do people do this?  Because they erroneously think that by putting others down…they can lift up themselves.


The opposite is true.


The psalmist talked about “the words of my mouth” – that they be acceptable to God.


That’s the key — every word…acceptable to God.

– Richard Dresselhaus | One for the Road | rldress@aol.com

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