Daily Devotional Reading

One for the Road – “Bad Memories”

Bad memories.  Most people have some.


Missed opportunity.  Wrong decision.  Accident.  Rejection.  Abusive childhood.  Betrayal.


The result is a bad memory.


Some are self-imposed…others because of circumstances.  Either way…the results are bad memories.


So…what do you do with them?


Isaiah said of Jesus that He would…“bind up the brokenhearted…”  That includes bad memories.
But…the first step is repentance…asking Jesus to forgive the sins of the past.


The second step is to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.  It is His abiding presence that will take away bad memories and replace them with His peace.


Today…may your bad memories be swept away…and the joy of the Lord be your strength.

– Richard Dresselhaus | One for the Road | rldress@aol.com

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