Daily Devotional Reading

One for the Road – “A Multitude of Counselors”

A multitude of counselors.  That has to do with consensus.


Solomon says that purposes fail… without the input of capable counselors.  Of course… there is the solitary voice of a prophet… who has heard from God.


But… as a principle…plans can fail without the agreement of wise and godly counselors.


Sometimes… pride gets in the way.  People choose to go it on their own…often with later regrets.


The challenge is twofold.  First… to choose right counselors.  And then… to listen to the wise counsel they provide.


Interestingly… the Old Testament speaks of the school of the prophets.  And Paul traveled with a team.


There is always greater impact when spiritual leaders reflect the wisdom of others.


A multitude of counselors.  That’s a place of safety.

– Richard Dresselhaus | One for the Road | rldress@aol.com

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