Pentecostal Eschatology: Why Amillennialism is a Better Fit
The eschatological perspective of our Pentecostal forebearers was shaped by a dispensational reading of the Bible. R. Menzies, The End of History: Pentecostals and a Fresh…
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The Current State of Christianity in China: The Real Issue
Robert P. Menzies According to the Pew Research Center, after a period of rapid growth “China’s Christian population appears to have leveled off.” The numbers in the recent Pew survey are undoubtedly conservative because they come from government sources. These sources do not appear to make a serious effort to count the…
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Church-State Relations: Lessons from China
“Church-State Relations: Lessons from China,” appeared in the latest issue of Themelios 47.2 (August 2022), 366-81. In “Church-State Relations: Lessons from China” Luke Wesley delineates various biblical principles that circumscribe the church’s relationship to the state. In addition to more general principles, these include the recognition that the mission of the organized church is distinct from that of individual Christians, that…
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Notes on the Pentecostal Movement in China, Malaysia, and Indonesia: Written Interviews from the Pneuma Review
Many thanks to John Lathrop for highlighting a number of interesting and informative written interviews from the Pneuma Review that offer insights on the Pentecostal movement in Asia. These articles are listed below by country: China; Malaysia; Indonesia. China At this link you can read a chapter from Eugene Bach’s book…
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Sober Optimism: Opposition & Opportunity
By Robert P. Menzies Not long ago I spoke with a Chinese friend. He indicated that his son, who is a student in an elementary school in China, has been receiving criticism from his teachers. His son’s teachers do not feel that the young…
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Andrew Huang’s article, “To the Ends of the Earth. From Melbourne to Shanghai, and from Molong to Calgary”
See Andrew Huang’s recently published article, “To the Ends of the Earth. From Melbourne to Shanghai, and from Molong to Calgary : The Story of Australian Pentecostal Jessie Wong.” Australasian Pentecostal Studies 22, no. 2 (7 December 2021): 149–84. To read, click here: https://aps-journal.com/index.php/APS/article/view/9586. Through a family history lens, this…
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On Pentecostal Theology: An Interview with Robert Menzies
Silas Daniel, an editor with the Brazilian AG magazine “Obreiro Aprovado” (“Approved Worker”), recently asked if I (Robert Menzies) would be willing to provide a written interview for their publication. Last October I spoke to a group of Brazilian pastors via Zoom and two Pentecostal publishers have translated…
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Excerpt from Christ-Centered: The Evangelical Nature of Pentecostal Theology
Below is an excerpt chapter 5 of Dr. Robert Menzies’ newly published book, Christ-Centered: The Evangelical Nature of Pentecostal Theology (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2020). JESUS, INTIMACY, AND LANGUAGE My…
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Reading the Book of Revelation: Theological Reflections on the Coronavirus Pandemic
By Robert Menzies Apocalyptic themes permeated early Pentecostal sermons and writings. The unwavering conviction that Jesus’ return was near animated both the leaders and the foot-soldiers of the movement. Nevertheless, the theology that informed this apocalyptic, “time-is-short” spirituality of our Pentecostal ancestors was not unique to them. A focus on end-time prophecy and eschatological themes characterized most, if…
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Led by the Spirit: The History of the American Assemblies of God Missionaries in the Philippines
Dr. Dave Johnson is an appointed missionary with the Assemblies of God and has generously made this book available as a free download. Dr. Dave Johnson has… Author: Dr. Dave Johnson Dr. Dave Johnson has… Author: Dr. Dave Johnson Dr. Dave Johnson has…
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