BOOK NOTICE: Speaking in Tongues: Jesus and the Apostolic Church as Models for the Church Today (Robert P. Menzies)

Speaking in Tongues: Jesus and the Apostolic Church as Models for the Church Today Book Cover Speaking in Tongues: Jesus and the Apostolic Church as Models for the Church Today
Robert P. Menzies
CPT Press
(March 10, 2016)

"In 2013 Robert Menzies published the award-winning book, Pentecost: This Story is Our Story. Now, in his latest book, Speaking in Tongues, he focuses his theological spotlight on the biblical experience of “speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.” Menzies’ thesis is that Jesus and the apostolic Church are models for the contemporary Church. This book is an engaging exposition of a thorny, if not actually contentious issue. It speaks
to different readers in different ways. For example, it challenges those who oppose the doctrine and/or experience; it functions as a guide for those who may be confused or bewildered about the experience; and finally, it gives an apologetic foundation for those who are defending both the biblical doctrine and the contemporary experience. Menzies’ latest book, Speaking in Tongues, serves the Church well, and is, indeed, a must read."

—Roger Stronstad
Scholar in Residence
Summit Pacific College
Abbotsford, BC, Canada


Other Endorsements:

“As always, Robert Menzies, one of Pentecostalism’s leading scholars,
provides careful exegesis, weighing various alternatives and coming to
reasoned conclusions, offering fresh insights for all interpreters to consider.
His passionate, pastoral concerns mixed with live observations, especially
from our brothers and sisters in China, add further to this book’s value. Even
those who dissent from some of his conclusions should appreciate and learn
from his magnificent literary explorations and intriguing proposals. This
book should make us all the more grateful for the beautiful, Spirit-led gift of
worship in tongues.”

—Craig S. Keener, F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies,
Asbury Theological Seminary


“On numerous occasions, missionary-scholar Robert Menzies has provided
the body of Christ, especially Pentecostals, with excellent expositions on
Spirit-baptism. In this book, he integrates Paul (and even Jesus) more
specifically and thoroughly into the conversation and speaks in greater detail
about tongues as spiritual gift and sign. I was especially impressed with his
willingness to meet, head-on, problem scriptures such as the longer ending
of Mark, 1 Corinthians 12:30 and 14:21–22. As always, he treats the biblical
material with great balance, yet firmness where needed. The biblical studies
reader will find a useful discussion here, but so will pastors, who will be
challenged to lead their churches in a more biblical, apostolic way.”

—Robert W. Graves, President, The Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship


“Robert Menzies makes a compelling case for the fact that speaking in
tongues was well known to the original audiences of the New Testament and
that the biblical texts written to them now speak to us as an open invitation
to experience the Holy Spirit as they did. This book is sure to be a
provocative read among lay people and pastors alike.”

—Frank D. Macchia, D.Theol., D.D., is Professor of Christian Theology at
Vanguard University of Southern California and Associate Director of the
Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies at Bangor University, Wales

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