A Chinese New Year Celebration to Remember

By Robert Menzies

In February of this year (2019) I participated in a special Chinese New Year luncheon and evangelistic meeting hosted by the Baguio International Chinese Church (BICC) in Baguio City of The Philippines.  This event focused on local Chinese students and business people.  BICC pastor, Rev. Moontee, is the wife of APTS President Yee Thamwan. This dedicated couple has a tremendous burden for China.

I was privileged to preach at this event and am very thankful the Lord helped me present the gospel message in a clear way.  The entire afternoon was amazing, with various groups of students singing, sharing testimonies, and leading in worship.  Two events stand out in my mind and represent the incredibly international flavor of the meeting as well as the beautiful way that Christ’s love can bring a sense of unity and purpose to such a diverse group.

First, a group of Chinese students performed an inspiring dance of worship unto the Lord.  I couldn’t help but notice the wonderful way that various cultures were blended together to create this beautiful mosaic of praise.  Chinese Christians were performing an artistic dance to a Spanish language song of worship in a Filipino restaurant packed with people from most of the countries of Southeast Asia.

Then, a group of Japanese students sang a song about the love of God to a diverse audience that included many Chinese and Filipinos.  The Japanese group sang in Japanese and Chinese and, as they did, the presence of the Holy Spirit became tangible in that room.  You see, due to the Japanese aggression during World War II, many Chinese and Filipinos still harbor feelings of hatred and bitterness toward them.  But now, as these Japanese students sang, there was a clear witness to the power of God’s love and His ability to triumph over hatred, fear, and prejudice.  As Paul puts it, “you who were once far way have been brought near through the blood of Christ…who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility” (Ephesians 2:13-14).

It is a privilege to teach and serve here at APTS among this dedicated group of students that represent over 20 different nations.  Please pray with us for this wonderful group.


  1. Rohail Anjum says:

    Praise the lord this privilege that God used you for nations.

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