“Church-State Relations: Lessons from China,” appeared in the latest issue of Themelios 47.2 (August 2022), 366-81.
In “Church-State Relations: Lessons from China” Luke Wesley delineates various biblical principles that circumscribe the church’s relationship to the state. In addition to more general principles, these include the recognition that the mission of the organized church is distinct from that of individual Christians, that political institutions tend to become anti-Christ and oppressive, and that our context will determine the extent to which the church can exercise its prophetic voice. In view of these principles and on the basis of his experience in China, the author highlights five theological truths that will inevitably be challenged by totalitarian governments. Our faithfulness or lack thereof will hinge on our response to these challenges.
For the full article click on this link: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/article/church-state-relations-lessons-from-china/